Saturday, December 8, 2012

Yesterdays dream into REALITY (argument essay 9)

Cellphones, computers, washing machines, television, music players etc. those are the things created by necessity. The mother of all inventions in general. As teenagers, we used to have these gadgets for everyday living, for us to get relaxed or to put it in ourselves as fashion statement. The main purpose of gadgets is to help us in making our jobs easier that yesterday. In fact, many people use electronic appliances like washing machines, vacuum cleaners and some cooking utilities to make our job easier, less work and much better result. That’s why I’m strongly agree that gadgets makes or life more easy than before, because the main purpose of technology is to help us in a way that others can’t do to us.

One common reason why people think that technology makes their life more easier than before is because of the results that others can be obviously see. Many people tend to buy gadgets like computer and Cellphones because it makes their job easier. Computer. This electronic gadget helps many people in terms of knowledge, information, data and office. Many companies use computers to make their jobs more efficient and less time consuming. Students like me often use computer for easy researching, typing data’s, communication others and to have their relaxation if boredness strikes. Technology can make communicating with other people as easy as snap. Instead of writing thoughts, sending it via airmail and receiving it for about couple of days, technology offers electronic mail or email to send messages through typing on a computer and send it quickly, and the one will get the message will receive it for just seconds. That’s how efficient our technology is today. That’s why many people including me believe that technology makes our lie more convenient than yesterday. If we had serious sickness, technology helps us to get through with it. Making surgeries or finding sickness n our body is more even easy through technologies; we have ct-scans, x-ray, and computers which is responsible for serious surgeries, robots who serve as nurses for doctors or even simple health related gadget like thermometer is now being improved because of technologies. See how technologies help other people in terms of everything. That’s why many people tend to use technologies because it is their only way to make their lives easier, lest effort and better results after.

Maybe a technology makes our life easier, that’s why many people tend to be lazy, but that’s not the fact! Many people rely to technologies because they have so much time to do rather than waste time for one thing. Technology helps us to choose right and to make things right. Shopping is also make easier by technology, by the use of computer, we tend to buy things online, shop online, pay bills online or even the things we need to do without wasting some time is more even simpler because of technology. A Teller machine is one example of making life easier through technology. Instead of falling in line to withdraw money through banks, we just go to a teller machine, insert the electronic card, put your pin and you can now get the amount of money that you want to get for just seconds. See how life make easier by technology. And the last thing that we almost love about technology is that technology gives us updates as fast as we never expect. Like on news, we know different types of news by watching television. We get some important details about events or really shocking events through television; we get special announcements through it. Even if there’s a coming typhoon. Technology provides gadgets to locate and trace if there’s a cyclone, typhoons, earthquakes in a particular location of the world. Those are the things that cannot be done by normal person. That’s why it’s really obvious that technology makes our life easier than ever.

Some might say that technology makes people lazy, doing crimes so easy, or whatever bad things that technology can do. But still it’s with us if how will we use internet for good things. We have so many things to do, and we can’t do those things manually, like doing office works, it’s not easy for one person to write bunch of documents for a single period of time, we need things like computer to make all those things finished on exact period of time. We don’t say that technology makes us lazy; somehow they are just there to help us with the things that others can’t do to us. Technologies will never complain even though there are so many things that we want them to do. That’s the good thing in technology. Imagine if there’s no technology. Our lives will never be the same as what goodness of today creates. Our lives will be more harsh, stressed and tired. They would be no improvements, no money and no entertainment. If we come and think what life would be without technology, well there’s no life at all. Imagine if one time the electricity stops for a while; see how miserable and boring life would be. So for me that’s the reason why technology makes our life more convenient.

Technology is happiness, because they serve as our friend. To help us as fast as they can, but still we need to give credits and thanks to all the people who make technology happens, because of them, we live without rush, they make or life more useful and more colourful. Technologies are there, and they will never leave us. Instead, they will improve more to make things perfect as possible.

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