Friday, December 7, 2012

C-O-N-N-E-C-T-I-O-N. (argument essay 7)

Internet is the most sources of all media nowadays. People use internet for daily lives. Sometimes, we give time to surf on the internet. We provide time to it so that it won’t affect other things that we need to do. So, many people love to surf on the internet because this is the only way for them to ease the boredness that they feel. Or to hang out during free times or as an entertainment if they waiting for something. Internet can do bad things on humanity, but they are so many positive effects that we can get from using internet, and one of these is to get closer and get connected with other people who`s in other places of the world. That’s the main reason why people uses internet, to get connected and to get updated with the things that they want to know. And by these, I do believe that internet bring people of the world close together.

Many people use internet because they want to get connected and they want to get closer to other friends on the world. Sometimes, they use it because they want to gain more friends, or somehow they find love through internet by connecting through chats, webcams etc. there are social  networking sites who provides variety of connections to stay in touch or to get friends online. Example of these is facebook. Facebook is a type of networking site which you can have your own account by signing up on it and if you have sign up. You can now use this site. By this you can add your friends, relatives or special ones, facebook also offer chats, wall posts, photo uploading or things that you can use to connect or to communicate with other people all around the world. Most common reason why they use this site because it’s really effective to stay in touch or to get connected to the people you really want to get connect. You can also get connected with other countries. How? You can search the internet for some information’s that you would like to know for the specific country you find interested. Through searching, you can simply get connected to other countries by searching their cultural values, cuisines and attitudes. Simply by these, you can now feel connected to the countries you wish to visit. Internet can give you impossible things. Because of what power does the internet have, you can use it to connect with the people whom you can’t get personally friends with them. Examples of these are famous artist around the world. Through searching your favourite artist, you can even get connected to them. It’s really possible for you to know them more because they give variety of personal and no personal things through updates given by Medias or even them personally.

Internet brings people closer together around the world because the main purpose of the internet is to give us some knowledge or information’s about the things we wanted to know. Because every single detail that we might ask are almost there. We can get connected to other countries with the use of internet by viewing some sites related to foreign or local news. By this, we can get some information’s or we can even stay in touch to those countries. And the best thing for many people, who use internet, is that people use internet to express their love, care and attention. That makes the internet more useful to make the world closer together. Internet can be a reason why two people met and fell in love with each other. That’s the main evidence that can internet do to make other people more closely together. Some people found their love ones through dating sites; they share thoughts, love and concerns throughout chats. Those are the possible things that internet can do even though we seen it impossible. That’s why there’s internet. And obviously internet can make people closer together around the world.

Some might say that it can’t, basically when it comes to relationships. Because internet can’t give the real feelings of the message. They just tend to make other people feelings fun and useriously. That’s why internet is not a good source to make people close together around the world. Some might say that we can make other people closer together from internet, but in this time, for bad purposes. People tend to use this opportunity to create modus or crimes, cybersex or other unnecessary things. Through connections, internet might harm one person life, because internet also provides your own personal information’s or identity, that’s why cyber bullying was born. People tend to use this opportunity to have cyber sex; making porn’s to share some nonsense things around the world. But I believe that it’s how will we use internet for good purposes. Do not apply your personal information`s instead. Still bad things can be prevented or can be terminated. If we just use it wisely with the spirit of love and respect.

Internet can be our friend, but somehow it can make our life miserable, because we don’t know other people we might want to trust. Because we only give thoughts through messages, not in real life conversations, but it’s all that matters, it’s all about you on how will you still grab your privacy, you can still trust people who’s willing to trust. Internet gives you friend, love ones or even emotions that we never expect to feel. Internet is just an option, but still it’s useful, but always remember to communicate with someone which you really think that they are worth to be trust. But still it’s better to communicate or to make other people closer to you by giving them personal thoughts, hugs, kisses, respect and happiness.

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