Sunday, December 9, 2012

road to change (argument essay 10)

There is no country without government and threes no government without people. Some countries around the world admit that they are poor. People in their land has no food to eat, shelter to stay, clothes to wear and schools to study. All of these are encountered by many people around the world because the leader of their country considered as corrupt. They use the ark of their prospective leading countries for own interest and luxury. They never thought of other people who suffer from poverty, illness, sickness and hunger. A good successful country is being made if there’s a good leader who will have concern to his countrymen. What should the government do to make the country successful? All of us can do this. Every one of us has our own destiny to make things right and order, by that. I believe that one person can make the country successful if he will take consideration of these common problems that everybody is suffering.

Many of country leaders always take considerations about changing the beliefs of the past leader who ruled that particular country. But still, nothing changes. They just telling and keeps on saying promises just to get peoples trust. And after that, when they already have the position, they will never do the things that they keeps on saying to their people when they are gathering for our votes. A good government that can make the country successful is that they should not keep promises to the entire humanity. Instead, they should not say promises, they should do it. Because nothing good will happen if they just tend to keep promises which will never came true. And by that, a country will never be successful if there are promises which will never come to reality. Countries like Philippines had so many problems in terms of politics, rules and government; a good government should polish those problems to make the country successful. Many people entrust our government, to make the country successful, they should get the peoples trust again. By doing good and great things by showing the efforts and changes through proves and not promises. They should also consult small leaders like mayors, governors and other people who handle barangay to make the changes more possible, by that, we can make Philippines successful. Only one person cannot do these things possible. That’s why we are here to help them out in making Philippines successful. They should listen to some protestors, rallies’, or even small organizational community who wants changes. They should listen to their voice because that small organization is the whole people’s voice. They know what everybody is suffering from. They know every dirty thing about our country that needs to wipe out. One good solution to make a country good is to listen to suggestions and other good prospection’s to make this country more successful than others.

One main problem why our country is not successful because there are so many politicians whose being obviously corrupt. They use money for their own interest instead o making that money for the better of many poor citizens outside or inside the country. If we implement those people, I think Philippines will be better than yesterday. A good politician should use money for good causes and not for their own good. Mayor Lani Cayetano. Mayor of Taguig, our lovely mayor use the fund of Taguig or better causes. She makes me believe that a good leader still exists. Because when she elected as the mayor of Taguig, we really feel that a good city is now moving. She give scholarships to all residents of Taguig, she improve public schools, public covered courts and she even give groceries to the people who in need. She can be a good role model, because they valued every people trust that trusted her. A good country will be more successful if there’s many job fair who gives opportunity to many people to have work. By this, many people will have work, earn money and even they will have a better life. Also. The economy will increase and gain lots o funds because threes taxes. And that money will be use in improving things needed to be improved. And lastly, a good government should approved scholarships. They should give funds for education so that the young people in our generation will be more educated and successful. I think if all of these will be approved or will make possible by our government, successful will never be hard to reach. Those are the things that I think needed for the government to be successful.

Some might say that Philippines don’t have a chance to be rich and to be successful by others. Because we have so much problems needed to be resolved. But I think it’s not true and definitely it’s not true. Because we have so many things to be change. We are all ere, each of us can make difference. Simply by voting those people who had the rights to be a good leader. Or present some things that might help for the better of our country. As much as possible, we can make things happened. Just trust ourselves and we can possibly make Philippines a successful country.

We are who we are; we can make things for the better of many. Even us students can make things happened. By choosing the right politicians to vote. Let’s make Philippines number one. Trust our government and I do believe that Philippines will be a good role model one 

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Yesterdays dream into REALITY (argument essay 9)

Cellphones, computers, washing machines, television, music players etc. those are the things created by necessity. The mother of all inventions in general. As teenagers, we used to have these gadgets for everyday living, for us to get relaxed or to put it in ourselves as fashion statement. The main purpose of gadgets is to help us in making our jobs easier that yesterday. In fact, many people use electronic appliances like washing machines, vacuum cleaners and some cooking utilities to make our job easier, less work and much better result. That’s why I’m strongly agree that gadgets makes or life more easy than before, because the main purpose of technology is to help us in a way that others can’t do to us.

One common reason why people think that technology makes their life more easier than before is because of the results that others can be obviously see. Many people tend to buy gadgets like computer and Cellphones because it makes their job easier. Computer. This electronic gadget helps many people in terms of knowledge, information, data and office. Many companies use computers to make their jobs more efficient and less time consuming. Students like me often use computer for easy researching, typing data’s, communication others and to have their relaxation if boredness strikes. Technology can make communicating with other people as easy as snap. Instead of writing thoughts, sending it via airmail and receiving it for about couple of days, technology offers electronic mail or email to send messages through typing on a computer and send it quickly, and the one will get the message will receive it for just seconds. That’s how efficient our technology is today. That’s why many people including me believe that technology makes our lie more convenient than yesterday. If we had serious sickness, technology helps us to get through with it. Making surgeries or finding sickness n our body is more even easy through technologies; we have ct-scans, x-ray, and computers which is responsible for serious surgeries, robots who serve as nurses for doctors or even simple health related gadget like thermometer is now being improved because of technologies. See how technologies help other people in terms of everything. That’s why many people tend to use technologies because it is their only way to make their lives easier, lest effort and better results after.

Maybe a technology makes our life easier, that’s why many people tend to be lazy, but that’s not the fact! Many people rely to technologies because they have so much time to do rather than waste time for one thing. Technology helps us to choose right and to make things right. Shopping is also make easier by technology, by the use of computer, we tend to buy things online, shop online, pay bills online or even the things we need to do without wasting some time is more even simpler because of technology. A Teller machine is one example of making life easier through technology. Instead of falling in line to withdraw money through banks, we just go to a teller machine, insert the electronic card, put your pin and you can now get the amount of money that you want to get for just seconds. See how life make easier by technology. And the last thing that we almost love about technology is that technology gives us updates as fast as we never expect. Like on news, we know different types of news by watching television. We get some important details about events or really shocking events through television; we get special announcements through it. Even if there’s a coming typhoon. Technology provides gadgets to locate and trace if there’s a cyclone, typhoons, earthquakes in a particular location of the world. Those are the things that cannot be done by normal person. That’s why it’s really obvious that technology makes our life easier than ever.

Some might say that technology makes people lazy, doing crimes so easy, or whatever bad things that technology can do. But still it’s with us if how will we use internet for good things. We have so many things to do, and we can’t do those things manually, like doing office works, it’s not easy for one person to write bunch of documents for a single period of time, we need things like computer to make all those things finished on exact period of time. We don’t say that technology makes us lazy; somehow they are just there to help us with the things that others can’t do to us. Technologies will never complain even though there are so many things that we want them to do. That’s the good thing in technology. Imagine if there’s no technology. Our lives will never be the same as what goodness of today creates. Our lives will be more harsh, stressed and tired. They would be no improvements, no money and no entertainment. If we come and think what life would be without technology, well there’s no life at all. Imagine if one time the electricity stops for a while; see how miserable and boring life would be. So for me that’s the reason why technology makes our life more convenient.

Technology is happiness, because they serve as our friend. To help us as fast as they can, but still we need to give credits and thanks to all the people who make technology happens, because of them, we live without rush, they make or life more useful and more colourful. Technologies are there, and they will never leave us. Instead, they will improve more to make things perfect as possible.

Friday, December 7, 2012

DORA is better than these EXPLORERS. (argument essay 8)

Earth is over age. They said that the earth is a billion years old. And by that, many scientist and astronomers going to outer space to gather data or some information’s about the other heavenly bodies outside the earth. They tend to create space elevators, for them to go beyond the earth as easy as snap. They want to create space jet so that they can have a tour to galaxy. But in every things that they plan, there should be a prepare money to make all these possible. In exploring the earth, astronauts will never be in a planet that they want to study if there’s no ship to ride on, like a rocket ship. Rocket ship is a kind of transportation used by astronauts; it takes a lot of time and money to create this kind of ship. See how they spend a lot of money just to have knowledge and information outside the globe. It’s better for them to use that money in buying foods for poor ones than to do things which is not really important for many. And by this belief. I do believe that we should not spend money for space exploration.

They said that space exploration is better to all mankind because we can have some information’s on what’s happening outside the earth. We need to know those things for our safety. But I think it’s not appropriate for some to believe those prospects given by the authority because we had so many technologies that can make all those possible things without spending too much money. I believe that authorities should not spend much money on space exploration because doing all those things are nonsense and useless. Many people really have no cares about space. They will never get any benefits on it, many people have no concerns on it, and they even cares about the planet where they lives  rather than making problems in a things which they don’t need to mind. Also, authorities should not also spend money for exploration because it is not so important to us. I mean how come that space exploration is so important? We get information’s but we don’t have any cares on it, space information’s is not really important nowadays because people had so much things to do rather than spending time to know information’s about galaxy. And of course, we should use money in order to help, not to waste. Here in our world, we had so many problems to fix. We had things needed to be done by the use of money, house construction for poor, foods for hungry people etc. we have so many problems in our world, this should be the things needed to be focused by authorities rather than spending money for space exploration which we really don’t even need.

Many people need money. If they hold a single amount of money, they treasure it and they use it for such important things. Billion amount of money is needed for space exploration. But if they just donate or use it into good things, many people will have benefit on it. If they just donate the money, maybe our world is so much better than yesterday, we will never see hungry people, beggar on the streets, families with no home, all humanities will go into schools and have a good future someday, every money should have its purpose. Government who spend money for space exploration are the ones who are responsible for this. They should not use a big amount of money because the people in the government surroundings had rights to suggest things in spending the money for the better of or economy. Space exploration is a waste of money because we really don’t have any benefits to get they just like putting the money on space and no one can get any good benefits on it.

Some might say that we should have funds for space exploration because we really need to know what’s happening outside the earth, because every single detail should be known for the safety of all living creatures in the earth. They can get solutions for medicine, new planet to discover if the earth will soon to end etc. but I think space exploration is also an example of simple corruption, because billions of money is being used, and with that, we are not sure if all those fund are being used in space exploration. They said they find solution if earth will end, by searching for a new planet for us to move, but I think it’s not also a good idea, because what if it happens? Do you think all of us will be saved or will be moved by a one ship? Let’s just face the truth that soon the earth will end. And I think it will never happen. Let’s just face the fact and let’s make our life more valuable and contented.

Space exploration might give us some incredible ideas and information about galaxy, but those information’s are not mostly needed in our society. We have so many problems needed to be fixed in our own planet, the environment, the poverty, hunger and crisis. We should use money for better things. We can help others through money. Instead of wasting billions of money in space exploration, we should help others first or we should use money for everyone needs, and when the time comes that we don’t have problems in our own planet, that will be the good time to explore the goodness of galaxy.

C-O-N-N-E-C-T-I-O-N. (argument essay 7)

Internet is the most sources of all media nowadays. People use internet for daily lives. Sometimes, we give time to surf on the internet. We provide time to it so that it won’t affect other things that we need to do. So, many people love to surf on the internet because this is the only way for them to ease the boredness that they feel. Or to hang out during free times or as an entertainment if they waiting for something. Internet can do bad things on humanity, but they are so many positive effects that we can get from using internet, and one of these is to get closer and get connected with other people who`s in other places of the world. That’s the main reason why people uses internet, to get connected and to get updated with the things that they want to know. And by these, I do believe that internet bring people of the world close together.

Many people use internet because they want to get connected and they want to get closer to other friends on the world. Sometimes, they use it because they want to gain more friends, or somehow they find love through internet by connecting through chats, webcams etc. there are social  networking sites who provides variety of connections to stay in touch or to get friends online. Example of these is facebook. Facebook is a type of networking site which you can have your own account by signing up on it and if you have sign up. You can now use this site. By this you can add your friends, relatives or special ones, facebook also offer chats, wall posts, photo uploading or things that you can use to connect or to communicate with other people all around the world. Most common reason why they use this site because it’s really effective to stay in touch or to get connected to the people you really want to get connect. You can also get connected with other countries. How? You can search the internet for some information’s that you would like to know for the specific country you find interested. Through searching, you can simply get connected to other countries by searching their cultural values, cuisines and attitudes. Simply by these, you can now feel connected to the countries you wish to visit. Internet can give you impossible things. Because of what power does the internet have, you can use it to connect with the people whom you can’t get personally friends with them. Examples of these are famous artist around the world. Through searching your favourite artist, you can even get connected to them. It’s really possible for you to know them more because they give variety of personal and no personal things through updates given by Medias or even them personally.

Internet brings people closer together around the world because the main purpose of the internet is to give us some knowledge or information’s about the things we wanted to know. Because every single detail that we might ask are almost there. We can get connected to other countries with the use of internet by viewing some sites related to foreign or local news. By this, we can get some information’s or we can even stay in touch to those countries. And the best thing for many people, who use internet, is that people use internet to express their love, care and attention. That makes the internet more useful to make the world closer together. Internet can be a reason why two people met and fell in love with each other. That’s the main evidence that can internet do to make other people more closely together. Some people found their love ones through dating sites; they share thoughts, love and concerns throughout chats. Those are the possible things that internet can do even though we seen it impossible. That’s why there’s internet. And obviously internet can make people closer together around the world.

Some might say that it can’t, basically when it comes to relationships. Because internet can’t give the real feelings of the message. They just tend to make other people feelings fun and useriously. That’s why internet is not a good source to make people close together around the world. Some might say that we can make other people closer together from internet, but in this time, for bad purposes. People tend to use this opportunity to create modus or crimes, cybersex or other unnecessary things. Through connections, internet might harm one person life, because internet also provides your own personal information’s or identity, that’s why cyber bullying was born. People tend to use this opportunity to have cyber sex; making porn’s to share some nonsense things around the world. But I believe that it’s how will we use internet for good purposes. Do not apply your personal information`s instead. Still bad things can be prevented or can be terminated. If we just use it wisely with the spirit of love and respect.

Internet can be our friend, but somehow it can make our life miserable, because we don’t know other people we might want to trust. Because we only give thoughts through messages, not in real life conversations, but it’s all that matters, it’s all about you on how will you still grab your privacy, you can still trust people who’s willing to trust. Internet gives you friend, love ones or even emotions that we never expect to feel. Internet is just an option, but still it’s useful, but always remember to communicate with someone which you really think that they are worth to be trust. But still it’s better to communicate or to make other people closer to you by giving them personal thoughts, hugs, kisses, respect and happiness.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

ME AGAIN! (essay 6)

Spending days outside the house will be the best activities has everybody wants. because somehow they can be happy, or even they get lessons and good memories on those events, you can easily forgot the things that irritates you or somehow you can be as happier than enyone else, All of us go shopping, go to friends to hang out, go to parks, watch movies, go swimming and every good things that we can done outside the house. But things will never happen due to some reasons, and that would be the worst thing that keeps on coming to me. I don’t feel mad when I don’t get the things that I really want, instead of being mad I just think or something better so that the pain and anger that I might felt will fade away.

I am the person who really love to hang out, because it makes my stress on some things in school fades away, I love to go malls with friends because we can see some good stuffs on sale while talking some nonsense things that makes us laugh, I love to go parks with love ones because we spend our happiness times. I love to watch movies to watch those trending films made by true best artist. And others to make my life happier than ever. But how can I do those things if I’m always the one who do chores in our house! My parents never let me to do the things that can make my life happier because they always want me to do the chores, and there would be no person in our house to do those things except me. After school, they want me to go home in the exact time because if I might not go at the exact time, they will get mad at me and they will just say something like you should do those, you should do this blah blah blah! When I got home, after I change clothes, I will going to wash the dishes, clean the house, sleep for about one and a half hours and cook food for dinner when I woke up and after we take our dinner, it’s time for me to wash the dishes again and do assignments or other requirements needed to be submitted on school. I have no wasted time; I always consume the rest of my time doing good things for my parents. There was a time that I told to myself that why should it’s always me to do those prospective things. But still I have no choice, I should need to do those things for the better of everybody, but I know my responsibilities, that is why for me it was nothing at all, I just do those things with much love with big smiles on my face.

I know I didn’t do some things that can make my life more even happy because I have lots of things to be done rather than to waste my time for my own good, I can consider those as my hobbies, and those hobbies make me more kind and responsible, I know all of us respect our parents, and so do I, because I love them and I won’t do things that can make problems for them, I just do necessary things like this rather than to spend time for my happiness because as of now, I can consider this as my happiness, happiness that can make the biggest mile on my face.

foreign countries for music genre`s (argument essay 5)

Girl’s generation, super junior, shinee, 2ne1 and many more. Those names are the famous Korean pop groups in South Korea. Because of them, kpop sensation was born. Many teenagers love kpop because of its music, fashion statements and charming looks of each group members. Teenagers are the most people who love kpop, even though they don’t understand Korean language being used to each songs, they still loves it because of the songs happiness spirit. But still in every good thing, there would be still some effects that will never be appropriate anymore to teens. That’s why I believe that we should not get addicted to many artists because somehow they can make our life miserable.

They get addicted to kpop personalities and they keep on listening to music which they really can’t understand are some of common bad effects that usually happen to teenagers who gets addicted to kpop music. This really happens to them. Because they know that kpop is their life and they can’t live without it. Why is it bad? It’s because if they get addicted to kpop personalities, they will try to look like them even though it’s not good for some teenagers to look like this. Another effect is that they keep on listening to kpop music which they really can’t understand. Kpop music uses their own language for singing, and the only solution of kpop fans to understand the song is to use their emotions or feelings that will be appropriate for the melody of the music which is not right. Because there are few kpop music that includes bad words. It is bad because they have no idea about the music that they tend to listen to have a bad message and they use happy melodies just to keep the bad message not so obvious.

Changing one’s lifestyle before and after they knew kpop is also worthless for teenagers who over believe in kpop music, example of these are teenagers who originally being simple and they become so over fashion because they adapt it from their prospective kpop fan, it is not necessary for them because they looked arrogant and uneducated to others eyes. Many people will tend to say those because they can evenly seen that this kind of trend will not be appropriate to some teenagers especially some Filipino teens. And as of those, kpop fanatics especially Filipinos tend to ignore Pinoy Music and their studies. There is an obvious case that they ignore our own music by letting kpop artist earn more amount of sales than Filipino artist through concerts origin artist like Koreans got the number one spot on many music t.v shows in our country, and of course, teenagers let kpop their inspirations for everything. And by this, it affects their study that’s why they tend to neglect it. They prioritize to get updates about their favourite kpop personalities through searching the net and they didn’t notice that they almost forget to study.

We can say that they love it because kpop catches their attention, they got their taste and many teens are happy with their songs, but still if you’re going to see each teens face book accounts, twitter or any social networking media sites nowadays, there’s a bunch of information’s, or other related things to kpop which obviously seen that they are really addicted to it. They say that kpop makes their mood as happy as they never experience before, or they make kpop as their inspiration to be happy while their alive. We can’t force them to leave kpop but what I mean is they should have limitations on it; they should prioritize things better for their future. Not for the better of their happiness.

Every one of us has our own decision on how to make our life colourful an inspired, but always remember that every decisions as a cause and a corresponding effect. We should consider everything based on time and reasons, so that bad effects will never appear on the causes that somehow we believe is right.

Its always a good time (direktors kap) (essay 4)

Drama, originality, confidence, act, emotions, and extraordinary talents, stage play can give you all those classifications. APC`s Theatre Phileo offer lots of talents given by APC students who are being caught on act and being professionals through the use of their own talents. And by the use of their talents, they launched a play entitled Direktor`s Kap. A play about a director who had a bossy and arrogant attitude to his co-workers, he is a stage director in the story, he`s an evil to all of his workers that’s why no one loves him. And by that, in the end of the story, the director died due to heart problem, and everybody is happy for what happened.

Well, the story and the play were quite good for a viewer like me. As my reaction and opinions about the play, it was good but there’s a little bit missing, which is really hard to identify, the cast are talented, charming and cute and it’s really obvious that they really have talents. The play was really prepared and they give valuable reason why their play was worth to be watched. The transition of the story was provided well; overall their sense of humour had been well used. As a viewer, I enjoyed it a lot, because my fellow classmates enjoy it also, and somehow we really had fun. I never imagine that some APC students have good and well talents that they can evenly share to everyone.

Every little thing has its own beauty. Even though they are some failures, we can still appreciate the things that others might offer us. And by this, we can get inspirations to dream more so that we can also be successful person like them. Talents, confidence, originality and awesomeness are also within us, and we can use it better than others. All of us have those and all we need to do is to show it to others so that we can also inspire others to use their talents not just for their own good but for them to make others inspired that they are special with their own strength and capabilities just like theatre Phileo cast. We can be even better than them, because I do believe that we are better enough than others, it’s just like believing in yourself and you can make everything possible.